Conversion Tables

These tables and converstion factors are provided to help readers with comparisons between Imperial (UK), US and metric measurements. Please do not use the conversion factors in important technical or safety calculation as they are designed as a guide to converting figures not a definitive listing.



miles per hour (mph) kilometre/hour (km/h)
20 32
30 48
40 64
50 80
60 96
70 112
80 128
90 144
100 160


gallons (UK) litres gallons (US) litres
1 4.55 1 3.78
2 9.09 2 7.54
4 18.18 4 15.14
6 27.27 6 22.71
8 36.37 8 30.28
10 45.46 10 37.85
12 54.54 12 45.45
14 63.64 14 53.00


pounds kilograms
1 0.454
2 0.907
3 1.361
4 1.814
5 2.268
10 4.536
14 6.350
20 9.072


°C °F
32 0
40 5
50 10
60 15
70 20
75 25
85 30
95 35
105 40
140 60
175 80
212 100

Metric Conversion

1 millimetre (mm) = 0.0394 ins
1 metre (m) (1,000 mm) = 1.0936 yards
1 kilometre (km) (1,000 m) = 0.0394 ins
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 yard (36 inches) = 0.9144 m
1 mile (1760 yards) = 1.6093 km
1 square metre (m²) (10,000cm²) = 1.1960 square yards
1 hectare (he) (10,000 m²) = 2.4711 acres
1 square km (km²) (100 hectares) = 0.3851 square mile
1 square yard (9 square feet) = 0.8361 m²
1 acre (4,840 yards²) = 4046.9 m²
1 cubic metre (m) = 1.3080 cubic yards
1 litre (l) = 0.2200 gallon
1 cubic yard (27 cubic feet) = 0.7646 m
1 pint (4 gills) = 0.5683 litre
1 1 gallon (8 pints) = 4.5401 litres
1 British Thermal Unit (BTU) = 1055 joules
1 BTU/lb = 2.326 kilojoules/kg
1 gramme (g) (1000mg) = 0.0353 oz
1 pound (lb) (16 ounces) = 0.4536 kg
1 ton (2240 pounds) = 1.0161 tonnes
1 US ton = 2000 lb
1 metric tonne = 2200 lb
1 hundred weight (cwt) = 112 lb
1 horsepower (hp) = 746 watts (0.75 kW)
1 kilowatt (kW) = 1.35 hp
1 bar (atmosphere) = 14.2 psi
1 pound/inch² (psi) = 6895 N/m²
1 (Newton/m²) Nm² = 1 pascal (Pa)
20 lb/in² = 1.41 kg/cm²
USA Wet Measure Equivalents
1 US pint (16 fl oz) (0.8327 UK pt) = 0.4732 litre
1 US gallon (0.3827 UK gal) = 3.7653 litres
1 UK pint = 0.473 litres
1 US barrel = 5.62 ft³ = 0.159 m³